but i want to share it with you all because maybe there is another girl out there like me who needs a little "oomph" to get her dinner on. i do. that's why i threw together these print out menus in Microsoft Word one night (i first talked about them over here). i'm muuuuuch more happy to cook when i have a plan, and when i know i have the exact ingredients for that plan.
it also helps to have it staring at me every time i walk into my kitchen, ha ha. i know there are a zillion cuter ways to display my menus (i can think of 3 friends in specific that do!), but here is a simple and fast way, if you're interested :)
click >>HERE<< to download your own dinner menu print out!
*what is one of your favorite meals to cook?
>mine.... Hawaiian haystacks because it's easy! ha, but i rarely actually make it because the hubs isn't "fond" of it!