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blog design: Sending Love, From Me

i love to help a sister out. and today, i literally mean sister, because the blog design i'm sharing is extra special to me because...it's my little sissy's! although, i really can't say "little" anymore because she's a new college freshman, but for some reason she is engraved in my mind as being 11. the age she was when i graduated high school, and left for college myself :)

Elise decided to start up her own blog because she wanted to keep her friends and family updated on all her crazy new adventures away from home (and maybe because i told her i wanted to design her a site!hah). She wanted it clean but fun, and that's just what we did. take a look:

her color scheme:
i am really digging the whole aztec feel (and if you've been following me on Pinterest, you're probably sick of seeing the millions of iphone cases with this type of print, sorry! i am totally going to buy one as soon as my phone is upgraded this fall!). moving on :) here's a look at her post footer elements and signature:

she won't let me "design" her hair, but i can design her blog....i can deal with that! haha. love you Elise!


in other random news, my baby turns ONE tomorrow! aahhhhhhhh!!! and i am sooooo not okay with it (or ready?). so today = me running around like a maniac trying to get stuff together for his special day. 

* what do you think of this design?

** in general, what blog designs are your favorite and why?


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