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valentine's day: i ♥ u printable

by now i'm sure you know that i love Pinterest because of all the amazing ideas that come from there. i'd like to share another one with you today, just in time for Valentine's Day!

 photo alphabet-iloveyou2_8x10_zpsb3309a3c.jpg

everyone loves printables right?!
i do! i do! well, after coming across these cute cards, and these fun bookmarks, i decided to throw together my own larger version of this alphabet "i ♥ u" idea. if you know photoshop, you know that this didn't take a lot of time, it was fast and fun to make, and i was very excited to pick it up from Costco the other day.

i took a black frame i already had and spray painted it white. it's displayed on our bedroom dresser right now.

*update: this should work better now. click "options" and download this 8x10 version below:

and enjoy!

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