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Free Weekly Menu Printable

Do you struggle with making dinners like I do? It's been an ongoing battle for me, but the past few years I feel I've gotten significantly better. Like most, our family had a busy summer, and schedules were put on the back burner. My meal-plan game was not as strong as I'd have liked. You might have seen my monthly meal plan printable, which is great for the big picture, but as school approached I knew I needed to create a new list to make cooking dinner even easier. I needed something a little simpler, that I could use weekly.

So here's what I designed. A clean and cute weekly menu to fill out and place on your fridge (mine is held up by a magnetic clothes pin). When I take an hour to sit down and plan our meals for the upcoming week, that said week goes soooo much smoother. The 4-5-6 o'clock rush isn't torturous, and everyone is much happier (mostly me!). 

It's an 8.5x11" size, so easy to print out on regular printer paper. I placed 2 of them on a page, so print out however many you want, cut them in half/down the middle and you're good to go! I hope these help you like they are helping me!

♡ download your weekly menu here
see more of my freebies here
see my post on meal planning here

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